Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Wow! What a year it has been! I admit, English was a challenge, but boy, was it fun! Although the blogs were a hassle, writing about all those topics really gave me a chance to do some deep thinking. Writing those weekly ongoing pains actually helped me discover myself a little bit more. There is a lot more in-depth significance in doing these weekly assignments than what really appears.
Remember the hectic commotion of starting our blog and remembering our password and URL address? Boy, was that fun to watch (Being the techie myself, it took me only a few minutes to get this thing on the roll)! And look how it’s paid off! Adding my personality into my writing style has been much improved since the beginning, and viewing the comments my friends have made, I have learned how to improve my ideas and techniques in writing (all thanks to da blog!).
Sitting next to the fire writing this blog, I have realized that free writing can steal you away from reality. You can dream awesome things, you can imagine those most amazing places. You think outside the box when you have so much freedom writing. Maybe it wasn't Mrs. Gilman's intention, but blogging really helps you open your mind and discover.
Now that I have gotten super hot, I am reading all my blogs I have posted for my blog. Wow. I'm coming across many with good quality, some with good quantity, and some with not much quality or quantity (let me remind you of my Animal Farm Project). Reading all the posts since September 24, one specific post stood out.
On October 20, I posted "My Earliest Memories". Reading it right now made me stop and think. If I had been a closer friend to Derik, he could have been hanging out at my house the day he died. I could have stopped his death that day. But all I did was lie on my bed, drenched in tears, asking myself why. If I ever get a chance to fix one thing wrong in my life (here goes my imagination again), it would be saving Derik's life.
You might think I'm getting off track from this assignment, but I think I'm straight on. Writing this blog really helps me say what I feel deep inside. Blogging helps me say what I wouldn't normally say in front of other people (I'm actually pretty shy...). I always feel more comfortable when doing blogs. More safe.
Well, I guess I'm gonna wrap up my blog now. My stomach just flipped over. Wrapping up. For the whole year. Aaaahhhhh!!!!! Well, for all the people who actually read my blog, I've had fun! But don't worry! I'll come back; I promise! With newer and fresher blogs that will blow your mind! Oh, just you wait! I'm gonna have a bigger and better blog (and audience)! I swear! Miles's English Blog will have some new bams and whams waiting for you, so just wait! So long, folks! I'll miss you all! Asta lavista! Blog y'all next year! Toodleloo! Bye bye! See ya later, Alligator! (After while, Crocodile!) Farewell! Adieu! Sayonara! Aloha! (I'm pretty sure that means hello and goodbye...) Adios, amigos! So long! Cheerio!

"It well may be that we will never meet again in this lifetime, so let me say before we part: So much of me is made of what I learned from you, you'll be with me like a handprint on my heart. And now whatever ways our stories end, I know you have rewritten mine by being my friend."
-Wicked The Musical


  1. It was good to get to know you better and see you again this year Miles. I haven't read your writing a whole lot this year, but this blog showed me how good of a writer you really are. I loved the part about how freewriting opens your imagination. I totally agree. See you next year, and have a great summer! You are an awesome guy!

  2. I really enjoy reading your blogs Miles. You add a lot of humor and personality into them which is probably nice and refreshing for Mrs. Gilman after reading boring blogs for an extended period of time!

  3. Wow, Miles! I love the personality and voice that you use in your writing! Hahaha and you're continuing your blogging? ...whatever floats your boat :)
